Digital assets
Weave digital assets are an extension of the Weave brand anywhere online or in digital marketing assets. This applies to various websites, apps and online marketing pieces. Please adhere to these guidelines in order to help keep the Weave brand consistent and cohesive across all touchpoints.
Primary buttons
Height - 70px tall (width varies based on content)
Text - 20pt Akkurat regular
Color - Any color from our pallet with the exception of light and dark gray.
Schedule a demo buttons must use only #146EF5
Secondary buttons
Text - 25pt Akkurat bold
Color - Use only #146EF5 for these buttons
Hover (3px stroke underline)
Learn more >
Tetiary buttons
Height - 70px tall (width varies based on content)
Text - 20pt Akkurat regular
Color - Any color from our pallet with the exception of light and dark gray.
Border -  3 px stroke
Default play button
Type scale for web

Heading 1: 67

Heading 2: 51

Heading 3: 38

Heading 4: 28

Heading 5: 21
Heading 6: 16

Paragraph/Body: 16

Small Paragraph/List item: 14